Sunday, November 18, 2012

October sampling trip (and PI training!)

Jim Hood and Jon Benstead enjoyed a great trip out to the site in late October/early November. The weather was cold and dry, if a trifle windy on a couple of days (what was left of Hurricane Sandy followed us to Iceland). Here's a shot of one of the pleasant picnic lunches (Jim H. is consuming the 651st smoked lamb and cheese sandwich of the project).

We did all the regular sampling in streams 7 and OH2, as well as a lot of SF6 releases. As you can see, Jon was excited to be in the second year of warming in stream 7.

Here's what the updated temperature plot looks like. Our mean increase is about 3.5 C at the moment.

At the risk of sounding like we've become total groupies, on our last night we were lucky enough to catch Sigur Rós, who were headlining the Icelandic Airwaves festival. The official project band put in another fantastic performance, including an encore preview of the "hard left turn" they've been promising (check it out here). Strong stuff.

It wasn't all fun though. Check out what Jon managed to do to the rental car after dropping Jim off at OH2. Hmmm.

This tends to put a real kink in one's fieldwork plans. Luckily Jón O. came to the rescue. Thanks Jón!